Home of Invoking The Light and The Ethereans Trilogy
All You Need to Know is The Light
To heal the world of darkness, we need to bring more Light into it. Dedicated to revealing the truth of our existence and beyond, author C. F. Reynolds offers visionary insights to awaken and empower humanity. To transform your life and community and our world for the better, all you need to know is The Light.
By Invoking The Light, we can make a measurable difference.
Building a Community of Light Minds
Invoking The Light is Universal
It has the potential to unite humanity like never before. As we immerse ourselves in The Light, we share a common bond. We connect at the highest level with the divinity in each other—in doing so, we unify All That Is.
The author encourages us, as a community of Light Beings, to unite and imbibe The Light as a normal spiritual practice and state of being. In this way, humanity may live in sublime peace and harmony, making fear, illness, conflict, crime and poverty conditions of the distant past. Together, we can make a World of Light a reality. Such an illuminated way of life can happen at any time from the moment we begin Invoking The Light and sharing our experiences with others.
On the author's travels to raise awareness about Invoking The Light, she has met other Light Minds; people longing to create a World of Light starting now. She has intuited some ways we can begin:
First and foremost—Invoke The Light in everything you do and particularly everywhere you go, including your neighborhood and beyond.
Be an active Light Ambassador—tell everyone you know about Invoking The Light.
Create networks of Light Minds and establish regular meetings to share your experiences and personal Light Insights.
Organize group invocations focusing on specific community and worldwide issues.
Many of you who met the author at events and workshops have expressed your interest in creating support groups of Light Minds. For more information about ways to share your experiences and make the most of your Journey of Light, please fill out the contact form.
Invoking The Light offers the final answer, the missing piece of the puzzle, a quantum leap beyond enlightenment to The Light of Full Awareness. Not only can Invoking The Light heal our lives but also our communities and our world. By elevating the Light Frequency of our communities, we can remove troubling conditions such as crime and neighborhood disputes. By elevating the Light Frequency of our finite planet, we can reverse climate change and repair environmental damage. We hardly need to teeter on the precipice of devastating worldwide conflicts or environmental disasters. We need only Invoke The Light to change our lives, our communities and our world for the better.