My Personal Anti-Viral Protocol
In 2020, during the early stages of the pandemic, I chatted with the young lady at the checkout of my local supermarket. We mused over...

What strange codes of your life make you wonder if you are cursed/blessed or just unlucky/lucky?
In 2005, I experienced an intense 12-month period of revelation. In the dream state, I received insights revealing the truth of our...

New YouTube Video Released
I have released a new video on YouTube revealing profound insights on how to conquer karma in this lifetime. Click on the image and it...

What was the most beautiful, spiritual thing anyone has ever done for you?
The most beautiful, spiritual thing anyone has ever done for me involves an intriguing mystery that lifts my heart to this day, and I...

What is the end game of existence?
The “end game of existence” is this… We are here to do one thing: achieve Full Awareness. In other words, when it comes to our...

What is the meaning of John 8:32 — The truth shall make you free?
The answer may surprise you. Long before Christianity, Jesus walked the earth, bringing Grace and Light. But due to the darkness ruling...

Is positive thinking an essential aspect of spiritual enlightenment?
I was a big fan of positive thinking. I used to believe positive intentions and clarity of focus were enough. Yet every time I set ...

For how long are souls reincarnated?
Until the soul becomes Fully Aware. Ultimately, when it comes to our souls, the only thing that truly matters is frequency. And the...

I noticed that I cannot tolerate negative people. Is this from my spiritual awakening?
Spiritually awakened people tend to be more aware than average. Most people ignore or avoid negative people or may even commiserate...

How do spirit guides guide me if they do not talk to me?
As I reveal in my book, true benevolence guides us in benign and indirect ways, giving us clues so we may work it out for ourselves. I ...